Warranty 2.0 as a subscription

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Protect your device and extend its lifespan affordably. Access the highest quality repairs to reduce e-waste with reliable service. Use your device without hassle for as long as you wish.

Make an environmental impact.

What does it include?

Provide comprehensive protection for your devices, with our extensive packages.

Peace of Mind

Stop worrying and live your life to the fullest. If your device stops working, we'll get it fixed for you. No hidden fees or deductibles! 

Global Repair Access

Whether you are at home, seeing sights in France or surfing in Australia, we got you covered with our growing repair network in 40+ countries.

Quick Repairs

Get treated like the VIP you are. Your devices will always skip the queue at Fixably's selected repair partners.  

Lifetime Warranty

Most warranties lasts for 12 months, Fixably's  for a lifetime. You are always eligible to renew the warranty for as long as you need it.

Trade-in Offers

When you are looking to give your device a new life, we'll provide you with a lucrative trade-in offer.

Easy Claims

Claim handling is easy and automated. Enjoy full visibility and transparency in repairs.

Frequently asked

We get asked about

Why do you offer such a great deal?

Our vision is to extend the life of +10 Billion devices through repair and re-use. We collect actively data from millions of repairs and hold wide expertize from the repair industry to optimize the best deal for you.

What does the warranty cover?

We provide labor and parts for issues that are covered by the contract for the length of the contract period. We also guarantee that the repair will be started within 24 hours when it has been received by Fixably enabled repair shop.

Doesn’t my current/manufacturer warranty already protect me? 

Yes, for a limited time. With us your contract continues for as long as you wish and if something breaks, we’re here to coordinate the best option to get your devices fixed. It’s not always easy.

Are there any deductibles or hidden costs?

No, we don’t take any deductibles. We or our partners might offer additional services, which are totally optional.